top insurance fmos

Benefits of Joining a Top Insurance FMO

Published On: 12/07/2023

Embrace the Benefits of Joining a Premier Insurance FMO

Agents have a lot of FMO/IMO options to choose from, when they’re looking to obtain training and support with their businesses. But not all insurance FMO’s are the same. We’ll go over the benefits of joining a top insurance FMO and how it will help you in your business.

Top Insurance FMO’s

It’s not about what their agents can do for them, it’s what they can do for their agents!

FMO (Field Marketing Organization) is a company that is licensed to market, sell, and distribute insurance products directly from insurance carriers. These insurance products include policies for health, life, annuities, and more. FMO’s are the External Distribution Channel (EDC) for the insurance carriers. Insurance carriers count on FMO’s to provide training and support to agents as opposed to working with agents directly. Carriers don’t take the necessary time to train independent agents, as independent agents can sell insurance products from multiple carriers. So, the FMO becomes the back office support for training the agent. When an agent becomes successful and sells multiple policies, everyone wins; the agent, the FMO, and the carrier.

Top-Level Contracts

FMO’s carry exclusive insurance contracts that agents can’t get anywhere else, especially for some of the top insurance FMO’s. FMO’s are able to obtain top-level contracts because of their relationship with the insurance carriers. The carriers license the insurance products to the FMO, who then helps the agent obtain the contract once their certifications are completed. Certifications (like AHIP certifications) are required for agents in order for them to sell Medicare products. Good FMO’s notify their agents when the time comes for them to complete their yearly certifications.

Support Services at No Cost to the Agent

No matter what kind of support an agent needs, the top insurance FMO’s have an entire portfolio of services they offer. Access to agent-exclusive technology, training, education, marketing tools and dollars, sales tools, and administrative services. Support starts in the office. Top FMO’s have a fully staffed office of professionals that have in-depth industry knowledge, and are there to answer your questions when you need them answered. Our IAD staff helps our agents with contracting, policy issues, commission questions and tracking, new business processing, underwriting, and more. All of these services are free to our agents because these are the tools that will help them become successful.

Training and Education

Sales might come easy to some people, (or the concept of sales) but the field is much more complex, and interactions with leads matter. Top insurance FMO’s educate their agents on becoming top experts on the products that they sell, and train them on sales presentations. Here at Insurance Advisors Direct, we offer training platforms across all of our product lines. These include live sales events, a virtual training academy, weekly webinars, one-on-one coaching, on-demand video education, cross-selling systems, and more!

Help Generating Leads

Generating leads is not easy nor is it always free. Lead generation platforms can be pricey, and some FMO’s will charge the agent a big chunk of change in order to gain access to those leads. Top insurance FMO’s are leaders in the insurance industry, so they have access to either free or discounted leads. Some FMO’s will split the cost of the paid leads with the agent, 50/50. Great inexpensive (actually they’re free) ways to generate leads have a lot to do with networking. People can’t buy from someone they don’t know. So going out and meeting new people will not only build rapport with the potential client, but it can also be a great way to get out and be social!

Provide Access to Helpful Technology

One of the most helpful online tools an agent can gain access to is quote engines. This allows the agent to spend more time building a relationship with their client, rather than having to go back and forth finding quotes. Other technological services include being active online. Top insurance FMO’s post valuable content online either on their website, private platforms, or social media. They provide agents with access to valuable information, even if the information was from 6 months prior to the agent joining. Lastly, top FMO’s will be able to help streamline the enrollment process, and eliminate time wasted by filling out paperwork by hand. Online platforms that help save agents time, means they have more time to see clients or generate leads.

Building and Retaining Relationships

Along with all of the other support services that top insurance FMO’s offer, the best FMO’s build and retain relationships with their agents. A lot of FMO’s are in the business of marketing agents, which means that their support stops once the paperwork is signed. The staff members of FMO’s should be knowledgeable and supportive, and treat agents like partners – not typical downlines. Top insurance FMO’s will provide access to things like training, certifications, and submitting enrollment paperwork. FMO leaders in the insurance industry know that it takes teamwork to make the dre[money]am work.

Keeping Agents in Their Book of Business

Top insurance FMO’s offer technological assistance like quote engines, but how do they help agents keep up with their clients? CRM (Client Relationship Management) services make it easier for agents to keep in touch with the clients on their books. This can come in the form of organizing and sending quarterly emails, phone calls, or kind letters in the mail. Renewals still play a part in the commission level for the agent, so FMO’s want to make sure the agent is maintaining a relationship with their clients. These continued relationships benefit the agent, FMO, and the carrier. Even if the agent switches FMO’s, it’s important that the agent’s book of business goes with them.

Contracts and Releases

There is nothing worse for an insurance agent than finding out that their contracts are not fully vested – when they thought they were. When an agent’s contracts are fully vested, it means that they earn the top commission level for enrollments and renewals. This also includes not having assigned commissions. If an FMO asks you to assign your commissions to them, run the other way. FMO’s are paid directly by the carrier when an agent makes a sale, so why should they get an additional cut of the agent’s commission? Top insurance FMO’s are PROUD of and CELEBRATE their agents’ sales, because everyone wins; remember?

Sometimes an agent will want to part ways with their FMO. This can be for any given number of reasons including; growth opportunities, growth limitations, seeking different support, etc. The reasons might not always be bad, but partnerships don’t always work out and the 2 parties might simply wish to part ways. Agents should make sure that their release contract does not limit them from working in their business before or after they’ve been released from the FMO. It’s also wise to ensure that any leads and sales that the agent makes while contracted with the FMO, goes with them when they leave. Some FMO’s will own their agents’ books as part of the agent’s contract. Top insurance FMO’s are confident in their business growth, so there’s usually no need to own an agent’s books.

More than ever, it is important to make sure that agents are staying CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) compliant. CMS compliance is a laundry-list of rules covering what agents, sponsors, and providers can and cannot do, say, and post online. CMS compliance training is inherently one of the most important services that a top insurance FMO can offer. Because there are so many compliancies, top FMO’s ensure their agents are able to continue doing business in the Medicare space. Compliance training comes with AHIP certification, along with MFWA training. You’ll want to make sure your FMO offers specific CMS training before you start selling.

Keeping You Up to Date in the Insurance Industry

Did new products launch from carriers? Is the updated AHIP certification live? Are there any updates from CMS on how agents are allowed to conduct business? New lead generators? Top insurance FMO’s keep their agents in the loop for changes in the industry, product offerings, and new ideas for lead generation.

Additional Digital Marketing Services

Most FMO’s will assist their agents with paper marketing like flyers, business cards, logos, and table coverings for affinity or co-op partnerships. But the insurance industry has trotted far behind on the web, and now is your chance to take advantage of digital marketing and how it will impact your business in a positive way. Here at Insurance Advisors Direct, we have created a separate branch of our business called Marketing Advisors Direct. Marketing Advisors Direct, (or MAD) is our agent go-to for online services like website building and SEO, as well as social media management and content creation. Does your FMO do that? At Marketing Advisors Direct, we’re M.A.D. about marketing! Our digital marketing services are helping to propel our agents’ business into the digital space to reach more clients and build their books!

What Makes IAD a Top Insurance FMO?

Top Insurance FMO
Training and Education

IAD has a range of training tools & options across our product lines. Among the resources offered are live sales activities, a virtual training academy, weekly webinars, one-on-one coaching, on-demand video education, cross-selling programs, and more.

Product Offering

Our product offerings make it easy for agents to get the contracts that they want, because access to the right products that fit your needs is essential to your business. We have curated a premium collection of over 30+ handpicked carriers across 15+ product lines.

Lead Generation

IAD helps our agents expand their sales reach with FREE or discounted leads through our lead and marketing co-op programs. Gain access to carrier supported leads, direct mail programs, appointment set leads, live transfer and internet leads, just to name a few. Additionally, agents will benefit from our no-cost lead management and CRM system.

Marketing Services

Another valuable tool that we offer to our independent agents is access to our marketing and graphics team. We have a portfolio of marketing material that can be customized to your business, or we can custom build new items and campaigns just for you! Other services include: website design and building, logo creation, business card layout, newsletters, posters, postcards, door hangers, and more to help set you apart from your competition. Let’s also not forget about our new digital marketing services too, as mentioned before.


We offer simple to use, agent and consumer friendly technology platforms that help your business grow. Make your job easier with our sales enrollment tools, state of the art website, online training academy, simple quoting tools, and contracting platform.

Administrative Services

Leave the time consuming tasks to our trained team of professionals. Anything from contracting, policy issues, commission questions and tracking, new business processing, underwriting, and much more! IAD gives you more time to sell and grow your business.

Sales Tools

Become a sales pro with IAD’s turnkey sales and marketing selling systems. These systems have been built for the following product lines: Medicare Solutions, Long Term Care, Life/Final Expense, Annuities, and Limited Medical.

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